The spots on the head and neck are solid and those on the tail merge to The shape of the spot varies from one rosette to another and from one jaguar to the other. A rosette can be formed of a single spot or several spots.
They possess black rosettes (serve the purpose of camouflage) on the base coat. Generally, they have a base coat of tawny yellow color, but in some jaguars the color may range from reddish brown to black.
The most striking feature of the jaguars is their spotty coat. Jaguars living in rainforests are smaller and darker than those in the open areas. The length of a jaguar can range between 1.62 - 1.83 meters. A normal jaguar can weigh between 56 to 100 kilograms (in rare cases it may go up to 150 kilograms) and they can grow to a height of up to 67-76 centimeters (shoulder height).
Jaguars, have a compact muscular body with a large head, broad muzzle and powerful jaws. However, the former has smaller spots within the rosette markings and a shorter tail, compared to the latter. A jaguar can be often mistaken for a leopard due to the similarity of spots on their body.
The name jaguar is derived from the South American Indian word, ‘yaguara,' meaning ‘a beast that kills its prey with one bound.' The unique feature of this species is the rosette-shaped spots on their body. Jaguar (Panthera onca) is one of the big cats (others are tiger, lion and leopard), which has the ability to roar.