Leopards are popular for their opportunistic hunting behaviour as they are having the ability to adapt to Jaguars and leopards both are melanistic and are commonly called as black panthers. The body fur is marked by rosettes similar to that of the jaguar but the rosettes are somewhat smaller and are more densely packed and lack the central spots as the jaguars possess. It resembles jaguar but is smaller and somewhat slightly built.
Leopards have short legs, long body and large skull in comparison to others members of the cat family. IUCN has kept leopards in the category of Near Threatened species as they are on the verge of being extinct. Earlier they were distributed across the eastern and southern Asia and Africa, from Siberia to South Africa but now their population has declined heavily because of mass killing and they are now confined to areas of sub-Saharan Africa and also in fragmented numbers in India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indochina and China. They are the smallest of the four big cats which includes lion, tiger and the jaguar.
The scientific name of the leopard is Panthera pardus. They are placed in the class Mammalia, order Carnivora as they are carnivores and the family Felidae. Leopards come under the kingdom Animalia and phylum Chordata. We are talking about the leopards. Their bright colours, soft fur, extremely developed running capability makes them immensely successful among the predators.