They have a gestation period of about 8 Hippos are dangerous and destructive particularly in people's farms. Pygmy Hippos (Coreopsis liberiensis) is much smaller 440 -600 pounds and is rarely found in the wilderness but can be found in protected areas away from hunters and other predators like the lions and hyenas. The common hippo weighs up to about 4,000 kg and is big in size and most commonly seen in major parks and water bodies in Kenya.
There are two types of hippos, the common/river hippopotamus and the Pygmy Hippos. Hippos normally stay in their pools or sand banks during the day and leave at night to look for pasture. When the young bulls mature, they are usually chased away to go and establish their own territories where they fight among themselves fatal battles that may last for hours. They have social groups of about 40 with one bull and cows with their young ones. Hippos are grazers and prefer short grasses along banks of water bodies.
Hippos weigh up to 1500 Kg and have a life-span of about 50 years. Hippos are extremely aggressive and unpredictable animals and very often charge to other animals, passing boats and even Men. Hippos live in rivers and Lakes not necessarily very deep but also where there are pools of slow moving water. They have a grayish body with hairless thick skin.