Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Black Rhinoceros Endangered Animals in Africa

The black rhino is the most endangered animals in Africa, is listed as endangered World Conservation Union is the meaning of becoming a real danger of extinction in the foreseeable future. Also known as the hook lip rhinoceros, like the upper lip due to its hook, this magnificent animal is in the eastern and southern Africa. Black rhinos are usually solitary creatures, only to come together, mating, although the young mother may occasionally gather in small groups. These animals very poor eyesight, which led them to win the reputation of highly aggressive. This is the credibility of the rhino is a bit unfair do not usually attack the same way as the Lions said. Their attack is out of fear and panic, this is a country, they often find themselves in because of poor eyesight. The researchers found that they are responsible for the tree, and even termite mounds, stressing how easy it is to frighten a black rhino charge.

Pictures of Black Rhinoceros MatingPictures of Black Rhinoceros Mating

Baby Black RhinocerosBaby Black Rhinoceros

Black Rhinoceros Endangered Animals Species in AfricaBlack Rhinoceros Endangered Animals Species in Africa

Black Rhinoceros HabitatBlack Rhinoceros Habitat

Photos of Black Rhinoceros ChargingPhotos of Black Rhinoceros Charging
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